


The main producing areas of Dzi Beads are in the Himalayas, such as Tibet and eastern Tibet. It is a rare sub-gem, with strong ethnic and religious characteristics. Its origins can be traced back to the ancient times between 3000 and 1500 BC. long. From ancient times to the present, in the Tibetan area from the dignitaries to the high morals, the Dzi Beads are regarded as religious sacred objects, the treasures of the gods, and they are extremely successful. In addition, due to the mysterious origin and special religious significance of the Dzi Beads, the market value of Dzi Beads in the ancient beadings has always been a singularity, and it is a veritable “king of the pearl”. Its value is even more difficult to estimate, saying that it is “ "Priceless treasure" is not an exaggeration.


Tibetans still believe that the Dzi Beads are the descending stones. The DZD collections include monocular Dzi Beads, Double Eyed Dzi Beads, Three Eyed Dzi Beads, Four Eyed Dzi Beads, Five Eyed Dzi Beads, Six Eyed Dzi Beads, and Seven Eyes. Beads, Eight Eyes of Dzi Beads, Nine Eyes of Dzi Beads, Twelve Eyes of Dzi Beads, Fifteen Eyes of Dzi Beads, Heaven and Earth Dzi Beads, Ruyi Dzi Beads, Bodhi Dzi Beads, etc. According to the scientific point of view, the trace elements and negative ions of minerals in the original ore of Tianzhu can activate

cells in the body, stimulate the body acupuncture points, promote metabolism, improve sleep quality, stabilize mood, health care and anti-aging. In recent years, the beads from the snowy plateau have attracted much attention.


The three eyes of "Three-eyed Dzi Beads" are the symbols of "Tian Shi", "Human Harmony" and "Dimensionality". The three

eyes indicate that they can produce all the treasures, the merits of merit, and the benefits of increasing wealth. The

three-eyed dZi is worn with the genus: it is a rabbit, a dragon, and a snake. Symbolic meaning: Three eyes of the Dzi Beads can be thought of as a matter of course, and symbolize the constant wealth. Three-eye diagram: The graphic representation of Baosheng Buddha means that some beads can produce all the treasures. Symbol of Buddhism: The Buddha's body is perfect, the three treasures are protected, the speed is excluded, and all the obstacles are violated. Fu Lushou, Ji Xing Gong Zhao, obstacles subsided, wealth is constant, is the treasure of the Tantric! 


   According to the excavation, the traditional method of making the Tianzhu in Tibet is the original method of production: the ore is formed by artificial grinding, and the natural resin of the extinct white broccoli is added to the Chinese herbal medicine to infuse the foam. The lama painted and painted lines with lines and eyes, and then opened, worn, and blessed. After the lama went to the fire (the cremation), the apparatus of the body was turned into ashes, only the remaining dZi beads, and the high temperature heating during the cremation, all infiltrated into the ore, which is the dZi we see now.



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